Myopia Management & Control


Try Our Innovative Solutions to Manage Myopia & Sustain Better Eye Health

Is Myopia Control for My Children?

If one or more of these apply to your child then Myopia Control is a treatment option for them!
• Your child is active in sports or high-energy activities
• Your child is reluctant to wear glasses
• One or both parents were glasses, contact lenses or had LASIK
• Your child needed glasses before age 8
• Your child’s prescription has changed more than -0.50D in the past year
• There is a family history of macular degeneration, glaucoma or retinal detachment

If left untreated, children’s myopia (nearsightedness) may potentially affect their eye health, emotional and social well-being, and performance in school and extracurricular activities

Call or schedule an appointment today to find out if Myopia Control is right for your child!

What Is Myopia?

Nearsighted vision is more formally known as Myopia. Nearsightedness is the ability to see clearly up close (like reading a book) but difficulty seeing objects farther away (like writing on a classroom board). Wearing glasses or contacts will make distance vision clearer but the eye can continue to progressively grow. This growth of the eye causes your child’s vision to worsen and puts them at higher risk for eye diseases as they get older. The illustration below shows how normal vision and nearsightedness differ.

myopia explained

Myopia Progression in Children – It Can Get Worse

Early Myopia Onset Increases Risk of High Myopia.  Myopia progresses more quickly in younger children. Because early onset implies more years of progression, myopes younger than 12 are at greater risk of developing high myopia.

myopia diopter increase

Early Treatment Makes a Long Term Health Difference

Reducing myopia by 1.00 Diopter is shown to reduce the likelihood Myopic Macular Degeneration by about 40%!

All children should be monitored.  The earlier a child becomes myopic, the higher the risk of myopia progression and also developing high myopia.  We strongly recommend that children be examined at least once between the ages of 3-5 years to establish baseline measurements.  And all children should be examined annually or more often until age 18.

Myopia Associated Eye Health Risks

    • Myopic macular degeneration (MMD)
    • Cataracts
    • Glaucoma
    • Retinal detachment
    • Staphyloma

Solutions to Manage and Control Myopia

MiSight Contact Lenses

Daily wear disposable soft contact lenses worn during the day.  The MiSight® 1 day contact lens that can slow nearsightedness advancement in children and adults.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Lenses

Gas permeable contacts worn overnight to reshape eyes. Ortho-K lenses give a retainer effect to keep the new shape of the eye.  Ortho-K can treat myopia and astigmatism.

Atropine Drops

A prescription eye drop that relax overfocusing accommodation muscles.  Low dose atropine drops given before bed time can slow the growth or elongation of the eye when used over time.

MiSight Myopia Management Contacts

The MiSight® a 1-day soft contact lens proven to slow the advancement of nearsightedness in children.  The MiSight recommended age range is 8-12 years*, as supported by tests specifically for those ages. However, MiSight can be started with children as young as 5 years and up to 20 years or older.


MiSight myopia management contact lenses

Myopia & MiSight Explained

*Indications for use: MiSight® 1 day (omafilcon A) soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses for daily wear are indicated for the correction of myopic ametropia and for slowing the progression of myopia in children with non-diseased eyes, who at the initiation of treatment are 8-12 years of age and have a refraction of -0.75 to -4.00 diopters (spherical equivalent) with ≤ 0.75 diopters of astigmatism. The lens is to be discarded after each removal.


Commonly called Ortho-K. Orthokeratology lenses are special gas permeable (GP) contact lenses that are worn overnight to reshape the eyes.  Ortho-K lenses give a retainer effect to keep the new shape of the eye.  Maximum treatment takes a few days to fully reshape the eye.  Ortho-K can be used to treat many people with myopia and astigmatism. 

Atropine Eye Drops

A prescription eye drop that can have a relaxing effect on over-focusing accommodation muscles.  Low dose atropine drops given before bed time can slow the growth or elongation of the eye when used over time.  A low dose atropine regimen is often followed for several years and into adolescence, until the length and growth of the eyes becomes stable. 

Get started today by scheduling with our doctors for an examination.